Buildings, Department of
All construction sites must have a professional certified by the Department of Buildings on-site to supervise Site Safety.
Three types of certifications are issued to monitor Site Safety:
- A certified Site Safety Manager is required to oversee safety on construction sites of buildings 15 stories and higher in New York City.
- A certified Site Safety Coordinator is required to oversee safety on construction sites up to 14 stories in New York City.
- A registered Construction Superintendent is required to oversee safety on construction sites up to 9 stories in New York City.
Additional resources
NYC Department of Buildings (DOB)
Licensing Division
280 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York NY 10007
Licensing Division
280 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York NY 10007
(212) 393-2259
For further assistance, please call 311 and ask for: Licensing Unit.